On this date, Paul McCartney recorded his debut album, McCartney, at Morgan Studios in London. McCartney’s home recordings included the following songs: The Lovely Linda, That Would Be Something, Valentine Day, Momma Miss America, Glasses, Oo You, Teddy Boy, Junk and the instrumental Singalong Junk.
At Morgan, between 10 and 20 February 1970, McCartney recorded Hot As Sun and Kreen-Akrore, plus overdubs for Junk, Singalong Junk, Oo You and Teddy Boy. Mixes were also made at the studio of Oo You, Teddy Boy, Junk and Kreen-Akrore, as well as unused mixes of The Lovely Linda, Glasses, Singalong Junk and Momma Miss America.
Little else is known about the Morgan Studios sessions, other than that the balance engineer was Robin Black. No documentation is known to exist for McCartney’s time there.
Better documented were Billy Martin’s sessions at Abbey Road, which McCartney booked directly rather than through Apple or AIR. On this first day new stereo mixes were made of The Lovely Linda, Momma Miss America, Glasses and Singalong Junk.