Ringo Starr Said People Read 'Madness' Into The Beatles' Songs

03 December, 2023 - 0 Comments

Ringo Starr was aware that fans read a lot into The Beatles' songs. In response, he described his band as just a bunch of buskers.

Ringo Starr was aware that fans read a lot into The Beatles’ songs. In response, he described his band as just a bunch of buskers. John Lennon made similar comments about The Beatles’ music. He analyzed the Fab Four’s appeal — while also claiming music had medicinal properties!

During a 1981 interview with Rolling Stone, Ringo recalled the way people interpreted The Beatles’ songs. “Anyway, we used to get freaked out by what everyone thought our songs were about, because they’d make up all this madness,” he recalled. “The Sunday Times in London brought all this analyzing into the establishment when someone wrote an article about the ‘decading solances’ [Aeolian cadences] in our music and things like that.” An Aeolian cadence is when a tune composed in a major key resolves on the VI chord.

“We didn’t know what the s*** they were talking about,” Ringo continued. “We just play guitar and drums. We’re buskers.”
Ringo had a very humble attitude towards The Beatles’ music. “We don’t read music,” he said. “We just make it up, and if it feels good and sounds good, then fine. And if you learn a new chord, you put it in.

Source: Matthew Trzcinski/cheatsheet.com


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