Ringo Starr Said 'Back Off Boogaloo' Was a 'Fabulous' Accident

15 November, 2023 - 0 Comments

Ringo Starr revealed “Back Off Boogaloo” was an accident that came about when he was working with George Harrison. Ringo explained how "Back Off Boogaloo" fits into his songwriting discography.

Ringo Starr‘s “Back Off Boogaloo” is so good that one listen should be enough to give any of the former Beatle’s detractors pause. During an interview, Ringo revealed that the song was a happy accident that came about when he was working with George Harrison. The “It Don’t Come Easy” singer explained how “Back Off Boogaloo” fits into his discography as a songwriter.

During a 2015 interview with Goldmine, Ringo discussed the origin of “Back Off Boogaloo.” “‘Back Off Boogaloo’ is an incredible example of how accidents are sometimes fabulous when coming up with a song,” he said.

“You see, George wanted me to play that pattern on the bass drum but the problem is I’m not that efficient as a drummer,” he added. “I can’t go [imitates a beat] and play regular. So I started doing it on the snare and it worked a treat. You know, it was just out of the blue.” George and Ringo were credited as co-writers on “Back Off Boogaloo.”

Source: Matthew Trzcinski/cheatsheet.com


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