The Paul McCartney Lyric that Celebrated His Domestic Life with Wife Linda

13 September, 2024 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney is one of the most famous men on the planet today, and he could claim that kind of notoriety back in 1970 as well. You’d think his life at the time would have consisted of a series of parties and celebrations.

But due to the tumult caused by the infighting and eventual breakup of The Beatles, McCartney was much more inclined at the time to stay close to home with his wife Linda, away from the rest of the world. That desire comes to the fore on “Every Night,” one of the finest songs on McCartney, his solo debut album.  A “Night” to Remember

Even though The Beatles’ breakup was announced in conjunction with the release of the McCartney album in April 1970, it had been a done deal for quite some time by that point. John Lennon had given his notice back in September 1969 at a group meeting. The band just decided not to publicize it since they still had product in the pipeline.

The breakup devastated McCartney, as he underwent a period of heavy depression and drinking in its wake. He had been the one who had tried to keep the band afloat as the members pulled in different directions. But his reluctance to go along with the other three members in choosing a business manager also caused a lot of the friction.

Source: Jim Beviglia/


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