George Harrison Said Paul McCartney's Band Wings Was a Beatles Copy

06 November, 2023 - 0 Comments

During the 1970s, George Harrison dismissed Paul McCartney's band Wings as a Beatles redux. Meanwhile, Paul said the group was underrated.

He might’ve been a hippie, but he didn’t pull punches. George Harrison dismissed Paul McCartney’s band Wings as a Beatles redux. Meanwhile, Paul said the group was underrated.

During a 1974 interview with Rolling Stone, George said he didn’t just want to repeat what The Beatles did. “I certainly am going to control my own concept of me,” he explained. “Gandhi says ‘Create and preserve the image of your choice.’ The image of my choice is not Beatle George. If they want to do that they can go and see Wings, then. Why live in the past? Be here now and now, whether you like me or not, this is what I am.”

George then discussed his expectations of life and the expectations people had of him. “I don’t have control over anything,” he said. “I believe in God and he is the supreme controller even down to the rehearsal.” George explained why his voice on his then-recent song “Dark Horse” sounded so husky. “It’s more like I am right at this minute,” he revealed. “I’m talking about the emphasis that gets put on a thing.”

Source: Matthew Trzcinski/


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