Beatles Engineers Had to Hide Their Snacks From the Band
The Beatles were extremely protective of their snacks, but they often ate others' food. Engineers took to hiding their food from the band,
The Beatles stocked up on snacks in the studio. According to Beatles audio engineer Geoff Emerick, the band members were very protective of their food. If anyone touched their snacks, they exploded with frustration. This trait didn’t stop them from taking other people’s food, though.
According to Emerick, The Beatles didn’t want anyone eating their snacks. They didn’t see a problem with eating other people’s food, though.
“Food was always very proprietary among The Beatles,” Emerick wrote in his book Here, There and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of the Beatles. “Mal [Evans] would get everybody his own thing, and there was no sharing, no eating family style; no one was allowed to try anyone else’s food. That principle applied to us, too — we knew never to help ourselves to any snacks they laid out in the studio. But in their minds, the reverse was not true: anything they found in the control room was fair game as far as The Beatles were concerned.”
Source: Emma McKee/