When Did George Harrison Die? His Final Years and Death, Explained We Got This Covered

23 February, 2024 - 0 Comments

With the announcement of four interconnected Beatles biopics coming in 2027, one for each member, the lives of the men behind history’s biggest-ever band have come into new focus. Nicknamed “the quiet Beatle”, George Harrison‘s contribution to global music and spirituality – thanks to his famous conversion to Hinduism in the 1960s – proves that Harrison’s tranquillity and peace-promoting attitude were mighty in their own way, and should not be understated.

In his final years, Harrison’s religious beliefs as a source of strength and inspiration in the face of a highly-publicized health battle have helped shape his permanent legacy. In many ways, Harrison died as he had lived – encouraging others to keep their hearts and minds open to the beauty of the spiritual world. While his bandmate John Lennon’s death is the more known of the two, due to his 1980 assassination at the hands of a fan and his widow Yoko Ono’s ongoing campaign against gun violence, George Harrison’s death is a reminder that a life’s ending can still be beautiful and meaningful.

Source: wegotthiscovered.com


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