The Beatles Mounted One Of The Most Unexpected Comebacks In Music History In 2023

17 January, 2024 - 0 Comments

Of all the rock bands that could have launched comebacks in 2023, The Beatles were certainly the least likely. The group has been officially disbanded for half a century, and the two remaining members have not stated that they intended to get the old outfit back together to make more music. That makes sense, as half of the original members are no longer with us.

For these reasons–and so many others–nobody expected The Beatles to return with new music in 2023. And yet, somehow they did what no one thought they could and released their first original piece of work in years, “Now and Then.” In doing so, the band landed another big hit while simultaneously changing what’s possible in the music industry and dominating the music conversation once again.

In mid-2203, Paul McCartney spoke to the BBC and revealed that he was hard at work on a new Beatles track. The masses all around the world immediately freaked out–both because the most successful band of all time was gearing up to release new music, and because of the technology that was helping them do so.

Source: Hugh McIntyre/


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