'The Beatles: Get Back' Doc Set for Release on Blu-Ray and DVD This Summer

17 March, 2024 - 0 Comments

Director Peter Jackson’s eight-hour documentary “The Beatles: Get Back” is set to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray this summer, with the sprawling doc from 2021 finally available in physical editions July 12.

If there’s a sense of deja vu to that announcement, it’s because these home video editions were already previously announced to come out six months earlier, but that release was scotched before it happened due to a defect that was detected in the discs.

“The Beatles: Get Back” has been originally scheduled to come out Feb. 8, after an initial announcement Jan. 5. But Beatles fans who had placed their orders noticed them getting canceled as the winter release date approached. It was said the reason for the cancellation was an imperfection in the 7.1 audio mix, causing the discs to need to be remanufactured. A few copies did slip out at retail despite the pre-release recall and became high-bid items on the resale market.

With the new release date finally officially confirmed, each of the sets breaks the 468-minute doc down into three separate discs. There are no bonus features beyond the documentary itself, although the foldout package includes four commemorative cards with photos of the individual Beatles. Both editions include several audio options, with the Blu-Ray offering Dolby Atmos, 7.1 PCM, 2.0 PCM and 2.0 Descriptive Audio. The DVD has 5.1 and 2.0 Dolby Digital, along with 2.0 Descriptive Audio.

“Get Back” was widely hailed by fans and critics when it was released on Disney+ last Thanksgiving week, with Variety saying it “may stand as the best rock doc ever.”

Source: Chris Willman/ca.movies.yahoo.com


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