'Oh no, they're going to finish us off': Sir Paul McCartney recalls terrifying knifepoint robbery
Sir Paul McCartney feared he'd be "finished off" when he was robbed at knifepoint.
The 81-year-old musician has recalled the terrifying moment when he and wife Linda were recording Wings' 1973 album 'Band on the Run' in Lagos, Nigeria, and were ambushed with all their “cameras, tape recorders, cassettes in a bag, and Linda’s photographic equipment”.
In an interview for his record label, seen first by The Sun newspaper, he said: “We’d been visiting some of our crew at their house and someone said, ‘Do you want a lift home?’ We said, ‘It’s such a beautiful night, we’ll walk.’”
Adopting a "desperado" spirit, the couple wandered into a no-go area and thought they were being offered a lift when a car stopped and the driver wound down his window.
Paul recalled: “I just say, ‘No, listen man, very nice of you but we don’t need a lift.’”
The vehicle, which contained 2five or six local guys" drove off but then suddenly stopped again.
Source: crowrivermedia.com