5 Musical Innovations that Proved The Beatles Were Always Ahead of the Curve

13 March, 2024 - 0 Comments

We have so much for which we should thank The Beatles that it’s impossible to narrow it down to one thing. How about we start with the notion that popular music might be a much duller construct without them? Because they restlessly pushed ahead instead of settling for what they’d previously done, they shattered all the boundaries of what listeners could expect.

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Let’s focus on five times when The Beatles discovered and/or created innovations they then added to their tracks, and marvel at just how fearless they were. The Fade-Up in “Eight Days a Week”

This track was originally considered as a song for The Beatles’ second film (originally titled Eight Arms to Hold You before being changed to Help!). On the surface, it’s a pretty straightforward up-tempo rocker which utilized one of Ringo Starr‘s unorthodox idioms for a title. But the band decided that they’d do something a little different to start the song. Instead of just kicking into the music at full volume like most songs did, they instead faded up the intro, reversing the process of a fade-out at song’s end. It made the moment when John Lennon tears into the lyrics that much more exciting.

Source: Jim Beviglia/americansongwriter.com


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